
Defines a test case.

test(name: string, callback: () => void): void
  • name: The name of the test case.
  • callback: The callback function containing the test logic.


import { type GitHubEvent, GitHubReasons } from "stacker/github";
import { test, equal, evalGitHubEvent } from "stacker/testing";

// Base event for tests
const baseEvent: GitHubEvent = {
  title: "Issue",
  url: "https://github.com/placeholder/placeholder/issues/1",
  reason: "",
  type: "Issue",
  repository: {
    fullName: "placeholder/placeholder",
    name: "placeholder",
    url: "https://github.com/placeholder/placeholder",
    private: false,
    description: "A placeholder repository",
    fork: false,
    owner: {
      login: "placeholder",
      url: "https://github.com/placeholder",
      type: "User",
      siteAdmin: false

test("Grafana repository with Subscribed reason", () => {
  const event: GitHubEvent = {
    reason: GitHubReasons.Subscribed,
    repository: {
      owner: { ...baseEvent.repository.owner, login: "grafana" },
      fullName: "grafana/k6",
      name: "k6"
  const { stacks } = evalGitHubEvent(event);
  equal(stacks, ["work"]);



Will run any event you pass thought your handlers and return the result.

evalGitHubEvent(event: GitHubEvent): GitHubEvalResult
  • event: The GitHub event to evaluate.


Asserts that two values are equal.

equal(a: any, b: any): void
  • a: The first value.
  • b: The second value.


Wrapper that can help generate GitHub notifications for testing.

genGitHubEvent(params: { title: string; reason: string; type: string; repository: { name: string; owner: string; isPrivate: boolean; isFork: boolean; } }): GitHubEvent
  • params:
    • title: The title of the event.
    • reason: The reason for the event.
    • type: The type of the event.
    • repository:
      • name: The name of the repository.
      • owner: The owner of the repository.
      • isPrivate: Whether the repository is private.
      • isFork: Whether the repository is a fork.

Wrapper that can help evaluate GitHub notifications for testing



Represents the result of evaluating a GitHub event.

interface GitHubEvalResult {
    stacks: string[];